Archive for September 2012

the museum of modern art in ny


I can't remember that I have ever posted something about modern art. Well, you should know that I'm in love with arts, especially with modern art. There was absolutely no way missing the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. I can tell you it's insane, really amazing. Even I don' like the quality of the picures too much, I hope they will give you some impressions of how it looked like there. The building where the exhibition took place was unbelievable huge ( but nothing compared to the Empire State Building, haha - can't believe that I can really say this. ) Anyway, I took my audio guide, of course in English, to listen to what the artists want so say about their work. They were different floors with different topics, and I think I spend three or four hours there, alone !!! I posted some music with my pictures to give you some musical inspiration as well. So let me know which artwork is the best to you! I really can't decide, because everything was so new for me. But I really liked the light installation right under this text. If you are travelling to New York you should definitely visit the Museum Of Modern Art in Manhattan.


coney island beach


Taking the subway to Coney Island Beach is very easy. If you take express train from Manhattan it takes about thirty minutes. After school my friends and I went to Coney Island, which is actually in Brooklyn. It's absolutely beautiful there. On the pictures you can see a variety of different colours. There are also a lot of roller coasters and other funny stuff. Anyway we had way to much food, but it's worth buying some super french fries, although they are quite expensive. I watched a at girl taking her pictures of Coney Island. Generally I watched at a lot of people this day, because everyone is so special there. Even at Coney Island were many New Yorkers, what I really liked. By the way, I was wearing a comfortable outfit, with my new American Apparel Pants and a brand new Uniqlo top, bought one day before, hahah. Decided that we went to stay a little longer, the sun went down and everything got blurry. What a lovely evening. Of course you have noticed that there is no German part in this post. The reason why I probably wont post in German any more is very simple - it's way to exhausting. But this is just a try. Because school started again, as I told you, so I want to focus on my English, because this year I only took French and Spanish and just a little seminar in English. So if there is anything you want to complain about, just let me know! The next post will be about the MOMA, the museum of modern art. Shit, New York, I miss you so much.

she's got it

img045 - Kopieimg045img042 - Kopie
Pictures by Eszter Bottka ( analogue & unedited )

So schnell kan die Zeit vergehen. Könnte ich euch nach an meinen Köln Trip mit Eszter, Lyn und Johannes errinnern ( Diary I und II ) ? Diese schnieken Bilder hat Eszter zwischendurch mal geknipst, also wir am Samstag unterwegs waren, einmal in der U Bahn Station und einmal vor einem wunderschonen Grafitti. Sie hat wirklich so ein großes Talent und ich bin mir sicher sie wird einmal richtig groß rauskommen. Immerhin hat sie den Blick für diese schönen Retro Bilder einfach drauf. I love it! So ich habe die New York Posts kurz unterbrochen, da mir die Bilder einfach so wichtig waren. Das nächste mal geht es dann weiter mit Coney Island! Bis dann.

Ps : Falls ihr am Samstag noch nichts vorhabt und in der nähe von Würzburg wohnt, schaut doch mal an der Adalbero Kirche vorbei! Da ist nämlich Flohmarkt und ich werde mit meinen Freunden verkaufen. Vielleicht ist ja was dabei für euch.

Here we got ! Time runs as fast as time can, school started. Do you remember my trip to cologne with Eszter, Lyn and Johannes ( Diary I and II ) ? Those super retro chic pictures, by Eszter Bottka, have been shot at a subway station somewhere in Cologne. I really like the style and the atmosphere, so thanks to Eszter! I think some day she will come out as a big star or something like that. So this was a short break of my New York posts, the next time you will see a day a Coney Island, have a fresh day guys!

empire state (of mind) building

Listen to that song! 

Da stehe ich nun. On top of the rock. ( Rockefeller Center ) Was für ein außergewöhnliches Gebäude! Auch wenn mir der Baustil nicht unbedingt gefallen hat, hielt ich es für wahnsinnig aufregend jedes Detail zu berachten, dass dieses Meisterwerk zu bieten hatte. Nunja, aber nun zum eigentlichen Thema! Was ihr hier besonders gut sehen könnt ist das Empire State Building, der Zentralte Ort in Midtown New York City. Wie ich ja schon vor meinem New York Trip geschreiben habe, bin ich in diesem Gebäude zur Schule gegangen. Im 63. Stock in Kaplan International School, etwa auf meiner Augenhöhe war das Stockwerk. Ich habe diesmal extra eine etwas aufwendigere Collage gewählt, da ich wirklich sehr oft in diesem Gebäude war und es mir sehr viel bedeutet hat. Ist es zu kitschig ?

Here I am. On top of the rock. ( Rockefeller Center ) What a building! Even I didn't like the style of the building too much, I was so excited to listen to the guided tour we had inside. It's so freaky what this building offers and how much art is included. But this was only the Observatory, where I took this shot. You can see the Empire State Building on this picture, the central place of Midtown New York City. As I told you before, I took lessons at this building at Kaplan International School. It was an awesome experience, that's the reason why I chose this kind of picture, because it really meant a lot to me. I was placed at 63rd floor, on the picture it is probably there where my eyes would cross the right Empire State Building. Do you like the way of editing ?

sixth avenue


Wearing: Denim Shorts - H&M, T- Shirt - Primark, Shoes - Vintage

Was für ein tag. Eine gute Freundin von mir, die ich aus meiner Schule in Deutschland kenne, war zufällig auch zu der Zeit, in der ich in New York war, dort. Logisch, das wir uns natürlich getroffen haben. Es hat super viel Spass gemacht, wir waren ein bisschen shoppen, oft essen, new yorker leben eben. Auf der sixth and fifth avenue zu shoppen macht eigentlich nicht so viel Spass, da es überfüllt mir Touristen ist. Aber dafür ist es in SOHO aufregender denn je. Mehr dazu später!

What a day. A good friend of mine, who's from my school in Germany, was in New York at the same time as I was. Naturally we met up, did some shopping and bought some delicious falafel wraps. Shopping at sixth avenue and fifth avenue is actually not my favorite shopping part of new york. You will hear of SOHO later, guys!

in and around central park


Bevor ich zum Unterricht gegangen bin, war ich oft im central park frühstücken. Es ist wirklich ein Erlebnis, diese 'Stille', die einen umgibt, wenn man gerade aus dem aufregendem Manhattan entfliehen will. Pepackt mit two eggs and a bagel und meinem french vanilla latte suchte ich mir eben ein schönes Plätzchen uptown im Central Park. Kaum fünf minuten auf der Bank 'Empire State of Mind' von Alicia Keys oder 'I Love New York' von Madonna gehört, musste ich meine Kopfhörer wieder abnehemen. Denn dann wenn die Streetdancer und Seifenblasenkünstler nur um die Ecke sind, wäre es eine Verschwendung diese nicht zu bewunderen. Das ist Central Park.

Before lessons started, I sometimes went to central park to enjoy some breakfast. It is really an adventure to escape from loud Manhattan into this beautiful central park silence. With my two eggs on a bagel and my french vanilla in my hands I searched for some nice places in central park. But after listening just five minutes to Alicia Key's 'Empire State of Mind' or Mandonna's 'I love New York', I had to take off my headphones. Because around the corner were waiting the next street dancer or actors, who were making those huge bubbles. That's totally central park.