sneak peak


Burgundy Zign Shoes c/o Zalando

Autumn knocks on the door and new shoes are arriving to start the fall season. I have always been a big fan of the color burgundy and even a lot of people think it's out I actually don't care. When I saw those shoes at the men's section of Zalando I was very impressed by the quality and the shiny leather of those gorgeous yet chic shoes. What I really enjoy while shopping at the Zalando website is that you can easily find what you are looking for because you can just click which price you want to pay or which color you prefer. Shopping has never been easier. Anyway, I could never get sick of these kind of shoes and I think they represent my style, too. Thank you very much to the Zalando Team for making a new collaboration happen. 

4 Responses to sneak peak

  1. Anonymous says:

    mit Abstand die schönsten Schuhe, die ich je gesehen habe!

  2. Ben says:

    A. Jaja. But no brown after six. Und ich bin halt ein Nachtmensch. Deshalb trage ich nur schwarze Schuhe. Ist halt so. Und passt.
    B. Zalando ist doch was für Frauen. Zumindest habe ich die Werbung so verstanden. Oder habe ich was falsch verstanden?
    C. Hä?

  3. Norhill says:

    Nice Zalando shoes!

  4. fran says:

    very very very very nice shoes
    i hope you like my new outfit man