Archive for April 2013

france diary - part two


On Sunday we visited a beautiful little town near the beach called Ouistreham.You can imagine the view we enjoyed while we had lunch on the second picture! What is left to say ? It was my first time at the seaside this year and according to that beyond excited. In France they have one way to express all my memories of that beach day: "Profiter de la belle vie". Next post will be a huge post of Paris, so stay tuned folks!

Follow me on Facebook, Bloglovin' and Instagram @ownwayofinspiration.

france diary - part one

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This is part one of my trip to France. All those photos were taken during the first day in Caen, the beautiful and picturesque city in the Normandy. I am so inspired by those old balconies and windows, with those derelict blinds. Stunning. Like in a movie. During the first day we ate nothing but Madeleine's and Crepes. (I have to correct myself: I ate nothing but Madeleine's and Crepes.) After exploring the city a little bit, we went to Cafe Latin, which turned out to be one oft the best Cafes in Caen in general. Enjoying the sunset, don't care about what to do the next day was absolutely recreative. C'est la belle vie!

Follow me on Facebook, Bloglovin' and Instagram @ownwayofinspiration.

back from france

Hey guys! I spend the last week in France at my exchange partners house in Caen. My friends from Germany and my new friends from France visited Paris, Honflêur, Deauville and other beautiful places like Ouistreham. I can tell you it's unbelievable comfortable sitting in gorgeous cafes all day long just to enjoy the day. Of course we went to the beach to make our trip completely perfect (as you can see on the picture above the sun was shining and it had been so warm compared to grey Germany.) It was good for us to improve our french skills to speak the language more fluently - all in all - it was a nice trip again and I can't wait to show you the bunch of beautiful photos I took in France. Stay tuned !

Follow me on Facebook, Bloglovin' and Instagram @ownwayofinspiration.

inferiority complex

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// Hat, Shirt and Coat - H&M, Scarf - Urban Outfitters, Tote Bag - American Apparel, Jeans - Cheap Monday, Chelsea Boots - ASOS; ph. by Ivana blog // web

Follow me on Facebook, Bloglovin' and Instagram @ownwayofinspiration.

journal #9


Lately I redesigned my layout. I was looking for something new, clean and minimalistic. When I look at these journal photos I unfortunately noticed that they are all taken inside. That has nothing to do with sitting at home all day, it's just because of the rainy and grey weather outside. I'm so longing for spring - I want to see colour, I want to feel the sun on my skin and I'd really like to spend the night outside with my friends dancing nearby the campfire. On the 9th picture you can see me sitting on stage, because that photo was taken by my aunt while I was participating at a dance performance. As you might know I have been dancing for about 9 years now and I am still so passionate about it.

Follow me on Facebook, Bloglovin' and Instagram @ownwayofinspiration.